Waec 2016 Agricultural Science Obj And Theory Answers


(1a) Subsistence Agriculture
i) Farming practices in which crops are cultivated for local consumption.
ii) Farms are small and food crops are cultivated such as rice and wheat.
iii) Old tools and implements are used by the farmers.
iv) Depends on monsoon and there is greater use of manpower.
v)keep your family fed. Commercial Agriculture
i) Farming practice in which goods produced are mainly for the market to get cash.
ii) Farms are larger and cash crops are cultivated. Such as cotton, sugar-cane, jute.
iii) Better implements are used and there are proper irrigation facilities.
iv) Less of manpower is used.
v)enables you to sell things like diamond mines and, in asia, tea or rubber plants.
i)Expand the budget for agriculture, the governmental investment in rural infrastructure and governmental land.
ii)Plough back the revenues from till-land occupation tax and city maintenance fee into agriculture and rural economy
i)Government can assist by setting up special local banks whose job is to extend credit to the rural farmers and will be announce on radio for adequate circulation of information.
ii)The Federal Government established the Agricultural Co- operative and Credit Bank to serve this purpose.
i)utilization of hospital services
ii)vaccine efficacy
(1c) agricultural ecology is the study of agricultural ecosystems and their components as they function within themselves and in the context of the landscapes that contain them.
(1d) i)Pesticide leaching ii)Fertilizers
iii)Organic contaminants
iv)Soil erosion and sedimentation
v)Tillage and nitrous oxide emissions
(2a) Farm surveying is the process by which measurement of land is made on farm by tables,plans or layout on a specific purpose.
(2b) i)It is dangerous or fatal if carelessly handled.
ii)It is very expensive.
iii)It can cause fire hazards.
iv)It is not always regular.
(2c) i)To maintain efficiency in operation.
ii)To avoid damage.
iii)To prevent the iron areas from corrosion.
iv)To avoid breakage
(2d) Land according to agriculture refers to where productive activities such as growing of crops,rearing of animals and establishment of farmstead,etc are carried out.
(2e) i)Population pressure;-When there is high population,there will be limited land for agriculture.
ii)Mining;-Activities of mining renders the soil inadequate for agriculture
iii)Topography;-Some lands are located in a place where they will not be favourable for some crops.
(3a) Staking is when yam is staked with strong stick or bamboo to ensure adequate exposure of the leaf surface to sunlight and increases yield
(3b) The nusery needs of spacing 20cm x 20cm on a field of 3mx3m on a loamy soil containing organic matter in a filled up polythene bags.The seeds are sown with shade to prevent it from direct heating by the sun and water and weeding is done twice daily or every morning/ evening.
(3c) i)To reduce the breakage of grains
ii)It helps to bring vitamins to the outer layer of the grains
iii)It reduces the labour requirement to remove husk
iv)It saves time
(3d) Advantages:
i)It helps to increase the farmers income and standard of living
ii)It gives access to forest product iii)It creates employment opportunities Disadvantages: i)Cultivation of selected crops ii)Reluctance in releasing fertile soil
6a) print
ii)hand bills
iii)pamplets media
iii)film show
6b) i)it is not at tendious as in the case of individual method
ii)it enable extension workers to reach but to many farmers at a time
iii)it saves time and money
iv)it tends to show more intrest in what may be introduce
6c) assembling as a marketing function;this is the re-gathering of various produce brought form different sources.it is also involving the repackage of produce in readness for final consumption
6d) -maize streak symptom
i)reduced yield control
ii)destroy diseased plant
iii) use resistant varieties
-ground nut rosette symptoms
i)yellow leaves with mosaic mottling control
ii)early planting
iii)uproot and burn infected plant 4a) -Artificial insemination:Is the process by which semen of a desired male animal is inserted into the vulva of the female ie no physical contact between two animals
-Pen mating:Is the one which a group of male and female animals are allowed to mate at random without any preference
-Individual mating:The farmer selects the mate and female animals to be material with preference
4c) -They give beauty to the environment
-They provide capital when sold
-They help reduce green house effect
-They are used for decoration purposes
-They encourage pollination

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